Main Argument:
About how much has meat
consumption gone up? According to the “Worldwatch Institute” meat
consumption has increased 20% in the last 10 years. Meat consumption has increased
because most meat is not expensive anyone can afford it in today’s
economy. The consumption of meat has gone up rapidly from 2011-2012
it went up about 4.0 billion. Meat production increase can be a big factor of the reason why meat consumption has risen as well. Meat consumption has risen not by hundreds but by billions in the last couples decades.
Link Analysis:
This video discusses the meat
consumption and how bad it has gotten. They believe that meat
consumption is still rising because of the low prices on them and how
anyone can afford them. Personally I believe this is true because
meat in not expensive unless you want a specific rare meat.
This video discusses meat
consumption is increasing in China and India. They believe that it is
increasing because their economy is getting better. They also believe
that the humans are slowly rising out of poverty because of the meat
Meat consumption has gone up 4.2 billion from the
year 2011-2012. Meat consumption has gone up in the passed 51 years
from 1961-2011. In 1961 meat consumption was about 52.0 million ton
and in 2011 it was 300.0 million tons of meat consumed. This shows
that meat consumption has gone up not by a few but by about 248
million in the last 50 years. Meat consumption has raised rapidly.
Significant Quotes:
“Much of the vigorous growth in
meat production is due to the rise of industrial animal agriculture,
or factory farming”(Worldwatch).
This quotes states that meat
production has increased and may be a factor of the increase in meat
consumption. This quote is significant because this could have to do
a lot with the reason why meat consumption has risen.
“Factory farms pollute the environment through the heavy use of inputs such as pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers used for feed production”(Worldwatch).
The meat production
has also affect the environment because they are polluting it. All
the chemicals they put of the fee production is not only affecting
the increase in meat consumption but also hurting the environment.
Meat consumption has
risen rapidly in the past decades. Meat consumption should not be rising more and more
every year. The consumption of meat should drop because is can cause
health issues, hurt the environment, and help stop torturing the animals.
Dropping the meat consumption rate can benefit a lot of people. Therefore, we should help drop the increase in meat
production by cutting down on eating meat. From eating meat everyday to twice per week. This will slow down meat production because super markets will have to much meat in stock.
Rachel. "Global Meat Production And Consumption Slows Down,
Drought, Disease And Rising Costs To Blame." The
Huffington Post., 24 Oct. 2012. Web. 15 Apr. 2014.
< slows_n_2008871.html>.
Meat Production and Consumption Continue to Rise." Worldwatch
Institute. N.p., 11
Oct. 2011. Web. 15 Apr. 2014.
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